Pritchard Machine » Contact Machine

Contact Pritchard Machine

Pritchard Machine would love to hear from you. Feel free to email the appropriate staff member below with your question or comments, or call our main line and we’ll be happy to direct you to the most relevant party.

General Inquiries

111 Bannister Road
Winnipeg, MB, Canada R2R 0P2
Phone: (204) 632-0639
Fax: (204) 632-0171

Ron Bell , General Manager
Phone: (204) 631-1270 (direct)
Mobile: (204) 799-2665
Fax: (204) 632-0171

Kurtis Seniuk , Operations Manager
Phone: (204) 631-1288 (direct)
Mobile: (204) 290-1288
Fax: (204) 632-0171

Contact Pritchard